Isabelle Hattink
How do you describe a phenomenon like Isabelle?
There are the obviously accolades, including the highest prize in wedding photography, which only a handful of the best of the best have ever won – Isabelle has been Fearless Photographer of the Year.
An international wedding photographer, with a distinctive documentary voice, Isabelle is also accomplished in so many other areas of photography. A committed educator, she has travelled the world giving talks, workshops, mentoring, helping others to find their own unique voice just as she found hers... there's barely a wedding photographer around today who hasn't benefitted from Isabelle's commitment to education in some way.
“I love spontaneous, powerful and exuberant emotions.” All of which shows so clearly in her work.
But it's still more than this. Isablle reminds us to play, to enjoy photography, to be alive in it. Her presence at Doc Day began from a casual converstation with her - “I have this idea, it might be a bit mad...” We were hooked. You might think you've seen Isabelle before but not like this....