
Monday 17th

16.00 - Street Photography Photowalk. Hosted by Ryan Devereux. Meet at Stags Head (Registration required)

20.00 - Pre Registration drinks and meet up in the Stags Head pub.

Tuesday 18th

This is the plan for the day but please note that there may be last minute changes. We’ll do our best to keep to the timings though.

08.45 - 9:30

Registration, tea, coffee & pastries.

9:30 - 09:45

Kevin Kheffache - Introduction

9:45 - 10:15

Annie Kheffache


10:30 - 11:30

Alan Law

11:30 - 12:00

Coffee break

12:00 - 13:00

Shane O’Neill - Influence, mechanics, legacy

13:00 - 14.00

Buffet style lunch (in Medley)

14:00 - 14:45

Jay Doherty - Wedding Grannies and other stories…

14:45 - 15.45

Sanne De Block

15.45 - 16:15

Coffee break

16.15 - 17:45

Ian Weldon - ‘I’m not a wedding photographer’

18.00 - 19.00

Q&A & Panel discussion with guest host(s)

19.30 until 20.30

Drinks & food

The Loft, 4 Dame lane (7 m walk from venue)

20.30 until late…

‘The Suitcase Trio’

More drinks and maybe some dancing

Best Of 2018-12-3.jpg

Doc Day.

For the love of Photography.